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Vocational Services

Research indicates, that the earlier a person returns to work after injury, the long term outcome they achieve will be better. This early return to work further reduces costs related to lost time and productivity, not to mention psycho-social implications.


Dr Kantilal Kanji has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Medicine (Occupational Medicine), attended medical courses in assessing occupational capacity, and over the last 18 years he has completed over 2,500 Initial Medical Assessments (IMA) and Vocational Independence Assessments (VIMA).


In performing these medical and vocational assessments, background information is reviewed, including relevant medical notes and letters, specialist reports, results of investigations and occupational assessments. 


A full medical history is obtained, including pain management techniques and strategies, and  medication. A relevant clinical examination is performed, with particular reference to the condition contributing to the current health and vocational status.


A report is compiled, providing an opinion regarding the suitability of each work type identified in the Occupational Assessment, commenting on its physical requirements and mental demands. Rehabilitation recommendations are provided, where appropriate or specifically requested, to facilitate progress towards vocational independence.


Should you require vocational services, or if you have any queries, please get in touch...

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