Stop Smoking Programme
Ready to start?

Welcome to this easy, yet effective and powerful Stop Smoking Programme. Be prepared to be surprised with how easy and comfortable you will feel throughout the positive process in becoming a non-smoker.
Your participation is simple. This programme is designed, to help you progress through in a systematic fashion, and ultimately reach your desired goal of being a non-smoker. Consistency and effort are the key!
To help you become aware of the whys and wherefores of your smoking, and in preparation for stopping smoking, please complete the 3 Stop Smoking Programme evaluation sheets below:
This will also provide me with an insight into your smoking patterns and habits should you require additional support in the future.
Please familiarise yourself with The Stop Smoking Programme Instructions
Now download the following 3 Imagery Guided MP3s comprising the The Stop Smoking Programme:
Find out more about the Guarantee
It would be most helpful for you to become familiar with the following support material:
You will receive email follow-up support for one year.​